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The Importance of Creating Quality Content


The Importance of Creating Quality Content

Audiences prefer quality, in-depth content over frequent but short-form content. This has shown to be true in blog posts, news articles, videos, infographics, etc. In the world of content, quality wins over frequency every time.

To produce the type of content consumers expect, marketing teams and content creators should regularly ask themselves the following questions.

Are you producing enough original content?

Original content is a hot commodity. While marketers can load up their social platforms with aggregated and shared posts, the returns from these are diminishing. Consumers want new content they haven’t seen before, and organizations want content to build their brand. You won’t accomplish either of these goals with someone else’s blog post.

Average length of blog posts graph

Is it similar to what your competitors are outputting?

Certain industries are saturated with content, leading to a term called “content shock.” If all of your competitors are creating posts regarding a certain subject, it may be useful to focus on something else.

Is your distribution strategy working?

Important questions to ask of your content strategy include: How do you distribute your content? What technology and tools are you using to organize, produce, catalog and publish your content? How are you getting the word out with SEO? How are you measuring success?

Consumer interests and trending topics change, so whatever process a content team has in place should be flexible enough to recognize popular topics and be ready to produce authoritative, relative content on it as soon as possible. Relevance will always be a key factor in quality content.  

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