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Are Your Landing Pages up to Snuff?


Are Your Landing Pages up to Snuff?

The role of landing pages in the anatomy of a website shouldn’t be overlooked or underestimated, although they often are. Here’s what credit unions need to know to ensure their landing pages are working for them.

Landing page vs. homepage

What are the differences between a landing page and a homepage? If you said just about everything, you’d be correct. It comes down to the two having fundamentally different purposes. A homepage is an introductory page to a site — and its default start-up page — that serves as a table of contents to give visitors directions to its various content.

A landing page is a single webpage that visitors access by clicking on a tab or hyperlink on the homepage, a search engine result or an online advertisement. Landing pages contain the content and forms that will capture leads or even directly generate sales, and this is their primary goal. To that end, most of the work with landing pages deals with funnelling people onto the page and optimizing the page to convert those leads.


What makes a good landing page

Landing pages should be simple and to the point with limited options for consumer interaction. They should be quick to load and have content that clearly matches the reason that brought visitors to the page in the first place. Visitors don’t want to spend several minutes reading through extra material or being lost in the navigation; they want to see what they came for and what you can offer them.

A survey by the marketing firm Ascend2 found that the most important objectives for landing page optimization are boosting conversion rates, increasing traffic and improving lead quality. Landing pages are a crucial part of digital marketing campaigns, and the proper optimization of these pages can greatly improve lead conversion or at the very least encourage interest in your credit union.

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